Frequently Asked Questions

People need to actually ask questions before we can have a "real" FAQ page, but in the mean time, here are some questions we've asked ourselves:

How do you perform a silent install?

Easy! Just run the installer from the command-line, like so:
winremtoolkit-1.1.1.exe /verysilent /tasks=""

This will suppress the installation of start menu icons. To silently install with icons enabled, leave off the "/tasks" flag.

For more information on the command-line flags supported by the Windows Remote Toolkit installer (or more accurately, Inno Setup, the software used to build the installer) see this url.

To silently install using the .msi package:
msiexec.exe /qn /i winremtoolkit-1.1.1.msi INSTALLSHORTCUTS=0
Of course, this will install the toolkit in an un-configured state. You'll probably want to follow up the previous command with this one:
"C:\Program Files\Windows Remote Toolkit\wrtcfgcli.exe" --silentinstall -L [users]
This will create the SSH keys (warning, this will overwrite previously generated keys), install the service, create a Windows Firewall exception on port 22 (ssh), write the list of authorized ssh users to disk (where [users] is a comma-delimited list of local users; if you want to include domain users, you'll have to specify them using the -D flag), and start the service.

I have another question. Can I ask the Cygwin people?

Please, god, no. They will kill you (and probably us) with fire. They have a pretty strict "no 3PP support" policy. Apparently, one qualifies as a 3rd Party Pervert by even concieving of installing a separate Cygwin instance. So yeah, please ask your question in the forums or on the mailing list (which you can sign up to from the project's mailing list page ).